To publish the article in the next issue of the scientific and practical journal "Podilskiy Scientific Herald", it is necessary to send the following materials by e-mail to the editorial staff of the journal no later than (March 20 or June 20 or September 20 or December 20) of the current year:
- Information about the author.
- Article according to the specified requirements.
The article should contain an abstract and keywords in the language of the article, in Ukraine. The Ukraine translation must be authentic (not machine-made).
For applicants for higher education or students - a review of the scientific adviser.
- Scanning of the payment document.
The publication is free for authors not from the former USSR.
All rights to published materials (articles) are reserved by their authors without any restrictions.
Structure of a scientific article:
The problem of the article is presented in general terms and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks.
An analysis of recent research and publications on which the author relies and in which they consider this problem and approaches to its solution. In this case, identify the unsolved parts of the general problem, which is explored in the article.
Formulating the goals of the article (statement of the task).
Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results obtained.
Conclusions from this study and further perspectives in this direction.
Bibliographic list. (the bibliographic list, the availability of which is a prerequisite, shall be made in APA style). The reference to the source is to be made in square brackets, preferably with the page numbers of the source, for example, [1, p. 19] or [1].
The article should contain abstract and keywords in article language and English (Ukrainian), as well as the translation of the title of the article into English (Ukrainian). The abstract volume is 800 characters, the number of keywords is at least 5 phrases. An extended English abstract should be at least 1000 characters long. In this English abstract, the author should indicate the relevance of the topic. It is necessary to cover the issues discussed without presenting the results. The author should not cite any research or other sources of information. The abstract should be written without subdivisions. Its text should be concise and original. It is inappropriate to use text from the article literally. If the article is in English, then the extended abstract must be written in Ukrainian.
The article should have the following additional structural elements: UDC index (in the upper left corner of the page); the title of the journal thematic sections; surname and initials of the author (s) (no more than 3 authors), scientific degree, academic rank, ORCID, place of work of each author; title in article language and English (Ukrainian).
The article should be unique, relevant, and original. Articles containing plagiarism by the editorial board are not accepted. The authors of the
publications and their scientific directors are fully responsible for the content of the articles and the reliability of the data.
Articles are reviewed.
Each article passes the appropriate stages of control:
- checking compliance with the general requirements for the articles;
- as usual, check for plagiarism using the Unicheck program;
- an external independent review.
An external independent review is conducted to improve the quality of scientific articles that are published in the journal, through the evaluation of materials by highly qualified experts.
The review procedure is anonymous for both the reviewer and the authors and is carried out by independent reviewers.
In their work, reviewers adhere to ethical requirements in the scientific publications of the Committee on Ethics in the publications ( Committee on Publication Ethics ) and should be objective and impartial.
The review covers, as a rule, the following main elements: the correspondence of the content of the title of the article; correspondence to the content of the thematic direction
of the journal; the novelty of research; scientific quality and quality of the material; other necessary, in terms of, repertoire elements. In his review, the reviewer highlights the positive and negative aspects of the study and formulates the conclusion.
Articles that meet the requirements for the preparation of articles and do not contain plagiarism are allowed to be reviewed.
If an article is submitted to the magazine, the author (s) of which is the student (s), then such a clause must necessarily be accompanied by a scientific supervisor's testimony, certified as appropriate. Also, the information about the supervisor is usually indicated by the student's last name, who is the author of the article.
Technical requirements for articles:
Language of the article: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish;
The text of the article should be printed in a Microsoft Word text editor and saved in the format * doc or * docx;
The volume of the article from 6 to 10 pages, page format: A4 (297 x 210), page orientation - book, shore - 20 mm. (left, right, top, bottom);
All text of the article, bibliographic list, abstract, keywords, etc. is printed in Times New Roman font, size - 14 pt, interval - 1,5, paragraph - 1,25;
Tables, formulas, and illustrations should be compact, have a name, font of the text of formulas or tables - Times New Roman, size - 12 pt. The size of tables, formulas, and illustrations should not be larger than the width of the page;
Mathematical formulas should be thoroughly checked and clearly printed. Formulas are typed using the MS Equation embedded editor. The number of tables, formulas, and illustrations should be minimal and relevant. Pictures and tables on album pages orientation are not accepted.